AOT Rules – A Review

Many people don’t realize that the AOT/AOTS rules are different depending on what breed of horse you are showing. Arabian, Morgan and Saddlebred all have different rules in the USEF rulebook. For shows not governed by USEF, those organization can make up their own rules. The great disparity of rules found between breed and associations… Continue reading AOT Rules – A Review

5 Traits an AOT Needs

So you’re thinking about “taking the reins,” so to speak, when it comes to training and caring for your horse(s). You have your reasons – and there are many possible reasons – but the little voices in your head have been gradually getting louder, telling you to become an AOT. It’s a big step, a… Continue reading 5 Traits an AOT Needs

Why We Are AOTs

Being an AOT is hard. Long hours are spent at the barn, usually without any assistance, while we groom, tack, work, and cool out our horses. This often happens after an 8+ hour work day. For AOTs with family, finding time to work a horse (or multiple horses!) can be difficult. Adding a show on… Continue reading Why We Are AOTs

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